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Below you will find information and documents relevant to each module of the course.

We recommend you familiarise yourself with the Key Learning Objectives of each module prior to commencing the course to assist with note taking.

Module 1 | Introduction and Overview of H&S Legislation

Key Learning Objectives


  1. The framework of UK Health and Safety law and gain an insight into the act and supporting regulations (HASAWA, CDM, COSHH, PUWER, LOLER, CAR, WAH etc.)

  2. Prosecutions and civil actions, their consequences and how/why they may be brought upon you.

Module 2 | Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 | Pre-construction Phase

Key Learning Objectives


  1. Duties, roles & responsibilities

  2. Pre-Construction Information (PCI)

  3. Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans (CPHSP)

  4. Opportunities at the pre-construction phase

  5. How the commercial role links to pre-construction information (PCI) and the tender programme

  6. Supply chain management (due diligence, including designers)

  7. Allowances for SSOW, Welfare, Temporary works, Collective protective systems

  8. Foreseeability and communication.

Module 3 | Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 | Construction Phase

Key Learning Objectives


  1. How to utilise the CPHSP, construction methodology and programme

  2. Communicating and coordinating construction methodology and programme with the site team and supply chain

  3. The importance and components of site inspections

  4. Monitoring and coordinating design changes and variations

Module 4 | Construction Risk Management

Key Learning Objectives


  1. The importance and impact of leadership

  2. Organisational resilience (risk, crisis and business continuity management)

  3. Communications management 

  4. Hazard identification and risk assessment

  5. Communications - enabling engagement and effective team communication

  6. Potential actions to manage Health and Safety risks



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