Walk 'n' Talk: Operations
Real Risk Management | Walk ‘n’ Talk | Operation
Author: Andrew Protheroe
What is Operation in the ISO context?
Moving from 'Clause 7 Support' to 'Operation' in the ISO HLS (High Level Structure) / Harmonious Structure for ISO45001 H&S, 9001 Quality, 14001 Env, 18788 Security for those new to ISO risk management.
Some BIG differences across the standards - 31 Subclauses for 18788!! 28 for 9001, 6 for 45001 & 2 for 14001.
Clause 8 Operation
Some standouts .. All standards mention 'Criteria' ...
'Risk Criteria' forms a large element of ISO31000, & the term features highly in many contexts.
8.2 Emergency preparedness & response (45001, 14001)
8.4 Control of externally provided processes (9001). Applicable to all standards & VITAL in the real world!
8.8.4 Whisleblower Policy (18788), Employment Rights Act 1996 Familiarity with the ISO HLS: (CLP SOPI)
4.0 Context
5.0 Leadership
6.0 Planning
7.0 Support
9.0 Performance evaluation, &
10.0 Improvement
We've tried something different with this video - which took +10hrs of work between Andrew Collins & myself (we are new to this, but doing our best to share some useful information).
YOUR FEEDBACK is critical to us, please let us know your thoughts...
We hope it proves is a very effective addition to your cognitive locker - our mental 'grab bag'.
Having the HLS at the front of our minds helps identify Client issues & formulate improvement strategies.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Email: ap@pcr-global.com
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481