Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for First Aiders v1.0
Author: Andrew Protheroe
Version 1.0 | 11 June 2020 | 01:30 BST
‘Spread the word NOT the Virus’
Due to the recent Welsh Government guidance on return to work, I have annotated the First Aid element into a useable resource.
If you chose to use this document to assist in your planning, please be mindful of legal requirements regarding First Aid in the country you operate in. The guidance is logical & simple.
The PCR Global approach is to promote:
1. Safe Place
2. Safe Person
3. Sound Information.
A reminder: This is to assist, it will need developing to suit specific company risks and match newly released Government updates. Check the document links and update to your own situation.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481
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