A 'Grab-Bag' Mentality ... What's in Yours?? (Pt. II)
Real Risk Management | Ground Truth Series
After requests for further videos, I thought I'd share the 'grab-bag mentality'.
Author: Andrew Protheroe
In this second video which promotes the benefits of a 'grab-bag mentality’ (the ability to recall frameworks linked to specific knowledge)
The mnemonic discussed today is PDCA:
1. Plan
2. Do
3. Check
4. Act
PDCA is a well known & highly regarded iterative four-step management method used for the control & continuous improvement of processes and products. It was made popular by W. Edwards Deming, considered by many to be the father of modern quality control; but who is said to have himself referred to it as the ‘Shewhart cycle’.
I believe the model is a must-know for security, safety, quality and environmental managers. It is promoted by the UK’s HSE in their excellent free document HSG65 Managing for Health & Safety and within many ISO risk based Management System Standards.
— I hope its of use, if not, at least I got to listen to a few robin's and song thrush for 10mins!
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Email: ap@pcr-global.com
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481
“Don’t trust it, TEST IT”
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