From Somalia to Dubai ... different day, different security context
Author: Andrew Protheroe
As I move from Somalia to Dubai whilst auditing for MSS Global, the security context may change from land based security to maritime security, but the fundamentals stay the same.
ISO Security Management System Structure (Harmonised structure)
Security management is best viewed from a strategic, tactical and operational level ... one of the best ways to do this, is to understand and utilise the framework within specific ISO standards.
If you're new to security risk management, I could not recommend familiarising yourself with the harmonised structure of the security related ISOs enough.
Thanks for reading, and watching if you do, Andy
If you're interested in the 'ISO Security Management Systems for Security Practitioners Course' I am developing, drop me a direct message and we can chat about what it will include.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay productive
PS. If you are interested in learning how to audit, please follow the link to our website 🙂:
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Thanks for reading and watching if you do, Andy
'Don't trust it, TEST IT!" - PCR Global Limited
PCR Global Limited
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481
“Don’t trust it, TEST IT”