Walk 'n' Talk: LEADERSHIP
Real Risk Management | Walk ‘n’ Talk | Leadership
Author: Andrew Protheroe
What is Leadership in the ISO context?
ISO does not assess the 'type of leadership', i.e transformational, transactional, autocratic etc. the assessment is whether a company adheres to the subclauses of the standards.
Moving on from 'Clause 4 Context' I outline 'Leadership' in the ISO HLS (High Level Structure) / Harmonious Structure for ISO45001 H&S, 9001 Quality, 14001 Env, 18788 Security for those new to ISO risk management.
5.1 Leadership and commitment (5.1.2 for 18788 (Statement of conformance to respect Human Rights) & 9001 (Customer focus) only
5.2 Policy (18788 visibly endorsed)
5.3 Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities
5.4 Consultation and participation of workers (45001 only)
Having a working familiarity with the ISO HLS: (CLP SOPI)
4.0 Context
6.0 Planning
7.0 Support
8.0 Operation
9.0 Performance evaluation, and
10.0 Improvement
... is a very effective addition to our cognitive locker - our mental 'grab bag'.
Having the HLS in the front of my mind has helped me many times to identify Client's issues & formulate a strategy for improvement.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Productive.
Andrew Protheroe | Director Risk and Resilience
Email: ap@pcr-global.com
Tel: +44 (0)7792 575481
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